Book of Condolences

Belgrad Büyükelçiliği 15.05.2014

The Turkish government has declared three days of state mourning due to the tragic mine incident happened in Soma. As a tribute to the memory of the Turkish miners who passed away in this accident,a book of condolences is opened at our Embassy.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09:00 - 12:30 / 13:30 - 18:00

1.01.2023 3.01.2023 Yeni Yıl
7.01.2023 7.01.2023 Noel
15.02.2023 16.02.2023 Sırbistan Milli Günü
14.04.2023 17.04.2023 Paskalya
21.04.2023 21.04.2023 Ramazan Bayramı Birinci Gün
1.05.2023 2.05.2023 İşçi Bayramı
28.06.2023 28.06.2023 Kurban Bayramı
11.11.2023 11.11.2023 Ateşkes Günü